Sunday, 7 October 2012

Aussie Pamper Day | Celebrate 3 Minute Miracle

Hi beauties. This Saturday was a first for me as I was able to attend my first beauty blogger event hosted by the wonderful Aussie, not only was it my first opportunity to meet some amazing bloggers, it was also my  first outing as an Aussie Angel. Aussie really spoilt us Angels for a pamper day down at the luxury spa at the Chancery Court Hotel. The whole event was to celebrate Aussie's best product '3 Minute Miracle'.

I arrived in London to meet up with the lovely Sarah from Oh SoGlamBlog and we made our way down to the Spa via one of the London buses (no underground for us angels). Upon arrival at the Hotel, I was just amazed by the actual building with its beautiful courtyard entrance; it looked just like a real life scale Victorian dolls house.  

Sarah and I mingled with the other Aussie Angels at the spa entrance, where we were given our very own Aussie name tags and greeted with some cold melon soup in fancy shot glasses (it was a lot nicer than it sounds). The wonderful Aussie girls then took us to the changing rooms where there was a steam room, sauna and fancy showers that went hot and cold with pretty lights, it was like a lagoon in there. When all the Angels were in the changing room, we were given a little wicker basket which was filled with some 3MM, a fluffy Aussie Robe, some Aussie slippers and a bright purple shower cap for those of us wanting to use the relaxing facilities at the spa. We all hurried into our robes as there is no better way to start relaxing than getting comfortable and cozy. 

The Angels were all split into groups, so we could take it in turns to get our massage or facial and while we waited we had the joy of waiting in the gorgeous relaxation room which was filled with fresh  fruits, comfy loungers, magazines and well pampered Aussie Angels. We all helped ourselves to the top notch buffet which was filled with yummy food (all healthy of course) and had a good old chit chat while we waited. I got chatting to the lovely Lauren from ALaurentoHerself . We were also free to look around the spa; the whole place was like a secret paradise underground, with its candles and tea lights offering the only source of light, relaxing music, beautiful water features and of course lots of Aussie balloons. I can honestly say I have never felt so chilled out, I could have spent the whole weekend there.

When it came to my turn to have a relaxing massage, I felt so pampered. The whole day was a many firsts for me, as I had never been to spa before or never been treated to a professional massage. I honestly can't believe I've gone this long in my life without going to one. The massage was well and truly amazing and the lovely lady who did mine, really did a superb job at getting rid of all the tension and knots in my back. 

Not only were us lucky Angels treated to a day of luxury, Aussie also had two professional stylists in to style our hair and make us all look that extra bit glamorous. Some of the hair styles they were creating on the girls were jaw dropping fabulous. There were plenty of up-do's going around with pretty braids entwined in them. All the girls looked absolutely stunning with their hair styled. I had my hair done by the lovely Eugene, who styled my hair down in loose curls that had huge amounts of volume and bounce. He gave me a few pointers and tips on who to achieve this look myself, so I will be sure to share my new found knowledge with you beauties in a future post.

So some of you maybe wondering why we all needed to look our best? Well there were more surprises as they day went on as Aussie had arranged for us to be their very own 'girls on film'. We were each individually taken one by one to do a filming session and answer some questions about what 3MM means to us and what we love about it. I was nervous about this as I don't do well on camera (this is the reason why I've stayed clear from You Tube) but once I had gotten into it, it was a lot of fun and the lady asking the questions made me feel very comfortable. Everyone videos are going to be edited together to make one big video, which will hopefully go up on the Boots and Aussie website... How exciting, I just hope that there are not too many cringeworthy moments. 

Once all the filming was finished, it was time for Aussie to deliver the special announcement which they had been teasing us with all day. All the Angels were given some very cool sunglasses and were taken in to the male changing rooms (no need to worry, there were no naked men in there, we had the whole spa to ourselves of course!). I'm sure you all know by now about the secret announcement as the cat is well and truly out the bag, especially if you've seen my last blog post. But for those of you who don't know yet, Aussie have brought out a new range which is called the Miracle Shine Range. I won't go into too much detail about how much I am in love with this range as I've done a lot of rambling about it already (you can find my thoughts here) but to keep it short and sweet, I think its the best range in the whole Aussie collection by far, and it's now available to buy in stores across the UK. So we can all have gorgeous, shiny and yummy hair.

This is where the Aussie pamper day sadly came to an end, but it was such a relaxing but oh so fun day and I enjoyed every minute of it. All the angels left the spa feeling as though we were floating on a cloud and had our hands full with all the Aussie goodies in our little baskets. I kid you not, people around London must have thought we were carrying new born babies in those baskets as we all got some very dodgy looks!

So a huge thank you to Aussie for putting together an amazing day. I would love to know if any of you lovlies have gotten your hands on the new shine range yet, and to know your thoughts on it.

Lots of Love



  1. Aww sounds like you had such an amazing time :D


  2. LOL those baskets!! I'll never forget the looks I got on the train back!!
    Was a fab day sweetie, I hope we win the next one would be amaze!

  3. You look like you had a lovely day, very jealous! Gorgeous hair too, lovely :)



  4. Sounds like you had a lovely pampering day! I could do with one of those!!

  5. It looks and sounds like you had a lovely day. You definitely deserve to be a Aussie Angel, your hair is gorgeous :D



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