Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Let's Catch Up

Left To Right

-My all time favourite Lipstick MAC's Impassioned (blog post here)-

-Making crepe paper flowers-

-My sister and me in bed, slightly hangover with no makeup-

-Winning the Aussie Miracle Shine competition with Sarah and Lauren-

-An old picture from with my fellow cheerleader Hayley from when we stayed in a caravan in Blackpool-

-Me posing and messing around with a new photo editing app-
-I made cupcakes-

-My hair when it gets caught in the rain-

-Me stretching in the doorway, determined to get my needle!-

Hi everyone, hope you are all having a cheery Wednesday and for those of you who are unfortunate to be at work, then at least Wednesday means middle of the week and only two more days till the weekend... hurahh! 

I've done quite a lot of beauty and makeup reviews recently, so I just wanted to stray away from it a little today and just have a sit down chit chat kind of post with you all and as you guessed by the title share some of my weekly pictures from Instagram. So I've been having a major lazy week due to the fact that I still had a quite a bit of holiday to take off at work and seeing as it was booked off a bit last minute everyone I know and love is busy working or has already got plans, so I've been bored bored bored. So... I thought that it would be perfect opportunity to get a ton of blogging done and get some scheduled posts sorted out as I know that I have a busy few weeks ahead of me. But as luck would have it, inspiration has completely gone and left me; for the first time in a ages, I don't really know what to blog about. Hence the reason of this kind of laid back post (but I do know that a lot of you beauties enjoy the odd ramble and chit chat). I just think it's really typical that I have time off to blog, and not know what to blog about, does anyone else get this? I really have the urge to do a beauty blogger tag, so if any of you girls know of some good ones please let me know. Or if there are any requests on posts that you would like to see please tell me, as it would be much appreciated. 

Whilst I' on a role with rambling I thought I'd share and let you all know that I am thinking about getting a tattoo. Well I say 'thinking about it' as though I've just decided I wanted one in my week off...No... I've wanted one for the longest of time, but never really knew what I wanted or have known what I wanted and just changed my mind. One of my friends from cheer told me that if there is a design you have in mind, wait a year and if you still like it a year later then you know your going to like it for the rest of your life. Well with anything I've picked so far, I've never liked it more than a year! So I suppose it's an excellent motto to go by, especially if you are thinking about getting one.

 Anyway, for near on 11 months I've wanted a little feather, possibly placed on the side my ribs, just sitting under the boob area! I'm still a little undecided on placement but seeing as its near the year and I still want a feather, I can almost give myself the go ahead and get the ball rolling. I don't think I'm going to get it anytime before the year is up, but now it's closer, I'm thinking a lot more about it and I really, really want it done.I'm thinking of getting a blog post up, just to share with you lot what I have in mind and get your thoughts on the whole thing. I always find tattoos quite fascinating and love seeing what people get done and finding out why they have them, so if any of you have a story please share as I would love to hear. 

I also just want to say a big hello and thank you to my new followers! It seams as though my number of followers has gone up dramatically in the last few weeks WOW! You have no idea how happy and over the moon this makes me! I won't ramble on too much about this as tomorrow I will have a post dedicated to all you lovely people as its my blogs birthday tomorrow!! I can't believe its a year already... golly golly gosh! 

I'll leave this post here girls, hope you enjoyed the read and don't forget to follow me on Instagram @sunshinesprkle as I would love for you to come and say hello.

Lot's of Love 



  1. Hi girl!!
    Love these pics!
    Maybe we could follow each other?

    With love, M

  2. Wayhey, we won! You've had a busy time recently, lady! Oooh good luck with the tatt xx


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