Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Beam, Gleam, Shine like a Dream with Aussie Miracle Shine

'There's more to life than hair, but it's a good place to start' The Aussie Philosophy

It's spangly, it's shiny
It smells like cotton candy
A wonder, a dream
It makes our locks so clean
An elixir, a hair potion
A luxuriously-fragrant lotion
It sparkles, it gleams
From behind the shower screen
With Aussie ginseng, pearl powder, too
There's nothing better to perfect that hair do
A treat for the bath or shower, stunningly sublime
Drum roll please... it's Aussie's magnificent Miracle Shine!

Hi beauties. As you know at the weekend I was able to meet up with Aussie, some of the Aussie Angels and celebrate their amazing 3 Minute Miracle at a luxury spa down  in London. As an extra special treat, Aussie had a surprise announcement to make to us Angels, which turned out to be something very exciting and I'm even more excited to be able to share this news with all you lovelies! Aussie are pleased to announce that they are bringing out a new product range which is the Miracle Shine Range!

The Miracle Shine range consists of a shampoo, conditioner and a 3 Minute Miracle deep treatment conditioner. The Miracle Shine range is to make dull hair days a thing of the past, leaving your hair 'sensationally vibrant and shiny'. We all want gorgeous shiny locks and with the new Aussie formula of Australian Ginseng (which is known to boost energy) and Pearl Powder (which is its secret ingredient for adding that shine) infused with peach, raspberry and strawberry scents is sure to give your locks much needed revival and make your hair feel and look heavenly. Who can say no to that? 

With the announcement of the new Miracle Shine Range, Aussie also put us together groups of three to set us an Aussie Challenge, which is where this blog post comes in. Myself and two other gorgeous Angels Sarah and Lauren have been asked to work together to tell you beauties what the new shine range means to us. Hopefully if our posts are the best we get to win an Aussome hair day with Aussie! So fingers crossed for us.

My Hair

Before ...

Please excuse me looking natural... it was first thing in the morning!

After ...

So after trying and testing the products in the new shine range, the first word that comes to mind is WOW! I am in love with the way my hair looked afterwards as it was full of shine and there really was a noticeable difference in how glossy my hair looked. Before washing my hair, the ends felt a little rough and dry and I'm sure you will agree it wasn't looking too grand. However after using it, my hair looked healthy and shiny, so much so it was gleaming!

Having hair which is on the thinner side, I usually find that hair care products which are there to add shine, can often make my hair feel and look a bit greasy; but the Aussie Shine Range only made my hair feel soft and luxurious. I'm positive that this is because of the magic pearl powder which has been used and lets face it every girl should have some pearls that shine and what better way to wear them than in your hair! 

Not only will the shine range give your hair a needed pick me up and add lots of volume, it will also give you plenty of reasons or excuses to swish your hair repeatedly (you really do feel like a glamorous celebrity!). The shine range will definitely give you the confidence for that much needed hair swishing, but the main reason for a hair swish is that the smell of this range is simply good enough to eat! When most people think of Aussie they usually think of the classic Aussie bubblegum smell... Well Aussie have really taken yummy scents to a whole new level as the shine range has to be there best smelling range yet! It has the most gorgeous cotton candy smell to it with the peach and strawberry smell really coming to the forefront. I love that you can smell this on your hair all day... So I swish my hair just to get a whiff of it!  

I am in love with the new Shine Range and I'm sure any Aussie fan will soon agree, it is like a little bit of heaven in a bottle and will make your locks just dreamy!

Here is what Lauren thought 

Before ...

After ...

"The clue's in the title; it's certainly a miracle worker. After having my hair chemically stripped at the hairdressers earlier this year, my barnet's been suffering somewhat as a result. It's been dry, tangly and generally in need of some TLC."
"Cue Aussie's Miracle in a bottle - offering manageable hair that's easy to comb through, ample volume and SO.MUCH.SHINE."
P"lus, it smells beautiful - just like candy floss and almost good enough to eat."
Here is how Sarah got on

Before ..

After ...

"There's nothing more exciting than Aussie bringing out a new product range, but what better than a shine range so we can all have luscious gleaming hair like a celebrity.Normally I wouldn't opt to buy a 'shine' shampoo or conditioner as they tend to make my hair look greasy, but this Aussie range gives your hair a natural healthy looking shine, it also make it feel lovely and soft and being as my hair is due to be re-coloured it really made my hair look more vibrant."

"As I wear Micro-Bead Hair Extensions, to test out this product I used the Miracle Shine Shampoo and the 3 Minute Miracle Shine Deep Treatment, as when I wash my Hair Extensions I like to put a treatment on them to help maintain their condition."
"When I use any of the Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Treatments I always leave it on for about 10 Minutes with my hair wrapped in a towel, even though it does only take 1-3 Minutes, I like to give my Hair Extensions that little bit longer for more of a deep condition.The smell of the product is so devine, I have been trying to figure for days what sweet it smells like and I've finally figured while writing this that it smells just like Strawberry Hubba Bubba!!"
"On my photo's above you will see how my Hair Extensions went from looking Dry, Unmanageable and Dull..... To looking Vibrant and Soft with a Healthy looking Shine. I didn't use any other products on my hair while styling, only the Aussie Take the Heat Leave-in Spray."
"This product range is now one of my favourites...Thankyou Aussie for bringing us another amazing little miracle!"
So why should we win the next Aussiee Pamper Session?
Myself, Lauren and Sarah all loved using the New Miracle Shine Range as its all done our hair the world of good and made our hair look as though we've been been sat in the gorgeous Aussie sun for the past year (a girl can dream). It smells scrumptious, adds softness and shine, making your hair just glamorous and beautiful! All three of us loved working together to get this Aussie post up for you beauties and would love the chance for another little get together with Aussie. I would love if you beauty babes could go have a look at their blogs and check out there Aussome Aussie posts!
Find Sarah at - OhSoGlam
Find Lauren at - ALaurentoHerself
Will be you trying the new shine range when it hits stores? Let me know as I would love to know your thoughts.



  1. This looks amazing! cant wait to try it eek x

  2. Ooh very exciting. Fab results. xxx

  3. Ooh il definitely be picking these up! Your hair looks so gorgeous and shiny :) Hair Envy!! Xx.

  4. Fingers crossed! Hope we win xx

  5. I need to get these. I love Aussie products, they're my HG!

  6. WOW! I can't believe how shiny and gorgeous your hair looks !

    Instant buy I think :)

    India xx

  7. Whoooop :) fabbb I hope we win xx

  8. Love the Aussie range! Your hair looks soo good! X

  9. yaaaay so excited for new Aussie products!your hair looks great!xx

  10. Your hair looks lovely! xx

  11. This is amazing thanks for sharing this blog I become fan of your blogs now. This blog is so interesting and informative.


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