Saturday, 27 October 2012

Happy Halloween! | Zombie

Hi ladies. Just a quick post for you this evening. Halloween is just around the corner, but I'm sure like  me and those of you who are going out are celebrating it tonight! I was so undecided about what to wear or dress up as and the whole look I've thrown together here is really last minute. originally I was going to give it a miss, but I was persuaded by my friends that I should be going out... As you probably guessed by the pictures I've decided to dress up as a zombie cheerleader. As its dark, the lighting is really poor so hello flash on the camera... sorry...but it gives you the idea kinda. I didn't use any Halloween designed makeup and created the look with just what I had in my own makeup collection. Top Tip though beauties... to get a different colour on your face simply mix your normal foundation with some loose pressed eyeshadow; I mixed my Revlon Photoready Foundation with some green Barry M Dazzle Dust. The blood was created with bright red lipstick and the rest of the colours you see on my face are just dark eyeshadows... Simple.

The look is not quite finished yet, I'm sat here typing and still wanting to touch things up and I also have my arms and legs to gross up a little. I don't dare do that yet till I leave the house as I can only imagine that there would be a mad makeup mess with green and black eyeshadow all over the place. I'm going to my friends first and she has some fake blood to zombie my look up a little.

I hope all you beauties have a fab Halloween evening whatever your doing, and if your not going out, then I'm sure a lot of you beauties will enjoy the usual Take Me Out and X Factor evening.. I've got them on record to watch tomorrow...Sad but true.

Lot's Of Love



  1. have a fabulous night out beauty! I usually go out for Halloween but staying in this year :( Take Me Out & X Factor for me! :P xxx

    1. Thanks beautiful. Hope you had a lovely weekend x

  2. Haha nice!
    I turned my friend into a zombie too, but it got way too messy with the fake blood lol x

  3. Looking awesome. I love all the Halloween make-up for the moment :)

    1. Thanks lovely, there are some amazing looks out there this year x

  4. Too adorable! I did a half zombie look. Following you :))))

    1. Thanks for the follow hun and the lovely comment x

  5. What a sexy little zombie ;) Love the look dear xxx

    1. Thanks babe, haha didn't want to be any old zombie ha x


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