Saturday, 25 February 2012

Perfect Red Polish | NOTD

For all you nail polish lovers out there I have finally found the perfect red polish. I am in love with this shade of red so much so that I have repainted my nails this gorgeous colour three times in a row. I can't believe I had it sitting in my collection since Christmas and that its taken me this long to try it out! It's the perfect classic red.

This polish was given to me as part of a box set which was from the Fearne Cotton Collection at Boots. This polish has no name unfortunately and I'm not sure if you can get it outside of this box set. For you beauties I have had a look on the Boots Website to see if they have this polish in the permanent Fearne Collection and it looks as though they do, but its hard to tell on the Boots site. I'm about 90% sure it's the same shade just in a different bottle, if any of you have it already you will have to let me know, have a look here to see what you think. The polishes from the permanent collection are usually £5.50 but there all on offer now for an amazing £1.37 so I think I'll be placing an order myself! 

This polish took two coats to achieve full opacity and does brilliant on the 'no chipping' side of things. It was easy to apply and I just think the colour is vibrant, shiny and fun. I love it and think it's the perfect red polish. 

I would love to know your thoughts beauties and would love to know if you are going to be getting any polishes from this collection with the amazing offer on. 



  1. This is a gorgeous colour! I might have to see if I can find this or a polish similar as most of my reds are more blue-toned than this one but this looks lovely :)

    Frances x
    Twitter: @Francesss__

    1. thanks hun I really like it too. Most of my reds are dark ones I love how bright this one is x

  2. Replies
    1. the bottle is pretty, i think the ones in the permenent collection have different designs but are also pretty x

  3. Cool! When I wear red nail polish I usually use a dark red sparkly color (I gotta have my sparkles!) it's really pretty! :) It's by Sally Hansen.

    1. I can imagine you like to have your sparkle in your nail polish hun, In the UK we don't have that many Sally Hansen polishes just the standard top coats and base coats, well none that I've seen have you got a blog post on it x

  4. Love your blog! I just followed you. Recently started my own blog and I would love some feedback or maybe a follow!? Thanks so much, and keep up the good work!


    1. Thanks for the follow sweetie, I will be sure to have a look at your blog :) x

  5. Hey danielle, love your blog its so cute!!
    Me and my friend are setting up an online shop,
    Its all tie dye clothing made to order so have a look around see if there is anything you like! It'd be great if you could promote us in some way, and we will do the same back :D

    love ellie, your river island colleague! xo


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