Thursday, 27 March 2014

Panther Legwear || I Love Black Tights

It goes without saying that black tights are no longer an accessory that is used to simply warm us on cold winter days. Over the years the black tight has become much more than a practical fashion accessory and are now used to raise any outfit to the next level. With the weather being awful the majority of the time in the UK and not really being a denim sort of girl, black tights are a huge staple in my wardrobe and I'll pair them with anything from shorts, dresses and of course all my work wear; Black tights are the ultimate fashion accessory and I love them. 

The only thing that puts a downer on my love for black tights has to be that their life span can somewhat be short lived, especially if your like me who is a little bit on the clumsy side; We've all had that moment where we've seen holes, ladders and snags in our favourite pairs which is not only annoying but damn right devastating too.

Luckily I'm not the only one who has a huge love for black tights, and I was thrilled when Panther Legwear contacted me asking if I would like some more black tights that could go with just about every single outfit that I own. For those of you who don't know, Panther Legwear is a subscription service for black tights so for lovers like myself, you'll never have to go without or never have to worry about forgetting to buy new black tights again. 

How Does It Work?

Just like any subscription service, Panther Legwear  deliver black tights to your door, offering a range of packages to suit your every black tight need. Panther Legwear off your standard black tights, but for those of you who are after something a little more stylish can opt for the 'Designer' or 'Luxury' package - If you fancy a little bit of everything then you can mix and match your packages, tailoring them to your needs.

The great thing about the Panther Legwear service (apart from stating the obvious and having a constant supply of black tights) it's a great way to discover new styles of tights and finding ways to work them into your wardrobe. As you can see from the pictures I received some decorative and ornate Pretty Polly tights and the most amazing ombre DKNY tights, which so many of you are loving. 

If your in need of black tights, (you can thank me later if your running low already) then be sure to head over to the Panther Legwear website (here) where you can find more information on their subscription service. Panther Legwear also have a 'risk free' trail running, so now is the perfect time to get yourself get yourself Legwear ready for spring. Panther Legwear are also generously giving all of my readers 20% off with any order, all you have to do is use the code : sunshineandsparkle before 4th April 

I would love to know what your thoughts are on black tights, if you love them as much as I do, and if your a fan of Panther Legwear?

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Twitter @sunshinesprkle || Instagram @sunshinesprkle 



  1. You look amazing, you sultry babe! LOVE those tights, although I'd be so worried about putting my nails through them and ruining them as I'm so damn clumsy xxxx


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